Ver la Versión Completa : Posesion, influencia demoniaca.

28-sep.-2015, 10:57
Tema exportado tal cual (no editado) de los desaparecidos foros de Univision.

EVEDENCIA y no solo la que se da por aqui, sino hasta Biblica sobre la POSESION DEMONIACA en NO Cristianos (NO NACIDOS DE LO ALTO, El Espiritu Santo de DIOS, de Cristo NO mora en estos, espacio VACIO supuesto a invasion de entidad DEMONIACA, si se habren puertas como participar en CULTOS, SECTAS), o INFLUENCIA SATANICA (NO POSESION porque el Espiritu Santo ya ocupa ese lugar) en Cristianos en nuestros dias.

Tema transferido tal cual del Foro de Univision:

Desde luego que la "GENERACION DE VIBORAS" continua 'Vivita y coleando' y continuara hasta el fin. Por algo la Biblia lo describe como GENERACION (CONTINUACION) Nadamas que desafortunadamente muchos hermanos Cristianos no creen que esto suceda en la actualidad.

Como se dice por ahi: 'Aunque usted no lo crea'. Y que muchos hermanos Cristianos no creen que suceda en la actualidad, aun cuando este asentado en Las Sagradas Escrituras. No creen en La Palabra? (La Biblia debe estar, aqui si "equivocada", mi escuela, mi lider, mi papa, mi abuelita "no pueden estar equivocados". 'Brain Washed' por quien? Influencia Satanica? (No posesion) Si, en hermanos Cristianos; abajito tratada) OOOPS.

Tema que trajera originalmente, al que descubrieramos mas tarde como un sectario mesianico cesaralcides , tema que 'desaparecio del mapa', pero aqui lo volvemos a traer por su descomunal importancia en relacion a los sectarios endemoniados disfrazados de Cristianos (ATEOS en general, sectarios incluidos) que invaden nuestro foro Cristiano Evangelico.

Question: "What does the Bible say about demon possession / demonic possession?"

Answer: The Bible gives some examples of people possessed or influenced by demons. From these examples we can find some symptoms of demonic influence and gain insight as to how a demon possesses someone. Here are some of the biblical passages: Matthew 9:32-33; 12:22; 17:18; Mark 5:1-20; 7:26-30; Luke 4:33-36; Luke 22:3; Acts 16:16-18. In some of these passages, the demon possession causes physical ailments such as inability to speak, epileptic symptoms, blindness, etc. In other cases, it causes the individual to do evil, Judas being the main example. In Acts 16:16-18, the spirit apparently gives a slave girl some ability to know things beyond her own learning. The demon-possessed man of the Gadarenes, who was possessed by a multitude of demons (Legion), had superhuman strength and lived naked among the tombstones. King Saul, after rebelling against the LORD, was troubled by an evil spirit (1 Samuel 16:14-15; 18:10-11; 19:9-10) with the apparent effect of a depressed mood and an increased desire to kill David.

Thus, there is a wide variety of possible symptoms of demon possession, such as a physical impairment that cannot be attributed to an actual physiological problem, a personality change such as depression or aggression, supernatural strength, immodesty, antisocial behavior, and perhaps the ability to share information that one has no natural way of knowing. It is important to note that nearly all, if not all, of these characteristics may have other explanations, so it is important not to label every depressed person or epileptic individual as demon-possessed. On the other hand, Western cultures probably do not take satanic involvement in people’s lives seriously enough.

In addition to these physical or emotional distinctions, one can also look at spiritual attributes showing demonic influence. These may include a refusal to forgive (2 Corinthians 2:10-11) and the belief in and spread of false doctrine, especially concerning Jesus Christ and His atoning work (2 Corinthians 11:3-4, 13-15; 1 Timothy 4:1-5; 1 John 4:1-3).

Concerning the involvement of demons in the lives of Christians, the apostle Peter is an illustration of the fact that a believer can be influenced by the devil (Matthew 16:23). Some refer to Christians who are under a strong demonic influence as being “demonized,” but never is there an example in Scripture of a believer in Christ being possessed by a demon. Most theologians believe that a Christian cannot be possessed because he has the Holy Spirit abiding within (2 Corinthians 1:22; 5:5; 1 Corinthians 6:19), and the Spirit of God would not share residence with a demon.

We are not told exactly how one opens himself up for possession. If Judas’ case is representative, he opened his heart to evil—in his case by his greed (John 12:6). So it may be possible that if one allows his heart to be ruled by some habitual sin, it becomes an invitation for a demon to enter. From missionaries’ experiences, demon possession also seems to be related to the worship of heathen idols and the possession of occult materials. Scripture repeatedly relates idol worship to the actual worship of demons (Leviticus 17:7; Deuteronomy 32:17; Psalm 106:37; 1 Corinthians 10:20), so it should not be surprising that involvement with idolatry could lead to demon possession.

Based on the above scriptural passages and some of the experiences of missionaries, we can conclude that many people open their lives up to demon involvement through the embracing of some sin or through cultic involvement (either knowingly or unknowingly). Examples may include immorality, drug/alcohol abuse that alters one’s state of consciousness, rebellion, bitterness, and transcendental meditation.

There is an additional consideration. Satan and his evil host can do nothing the Lord does not allow them to do (Job 1-2). This being the case, Satan, thinking he is accomplishing his own purposes, is actually accomplishing God’s good purposes, as in the case of Judas’ betrayal. Some people develop an unhealthy fascination with the occult and demonic activity. This is unwise and unbiblical. If we pursue God, if we are clothing ourselves with His armor and relying upon His strength (Ephesians 6:10-18), we have nothing to fear from the evil ones, for God rules over all!

Recommended Resource: Unseen Realities: Heaven, Hell, Angels, and Demons by R.C. Sproul.

While he is not the author of every article on GotQuestions.org, for citation purposes, you may reference our CEO, S. Michael Houdmann.

Read more: http://www.gotquestionsURL no permitidodemon-possession.html#ixzz2gXbHPV00

CULTIC INVOLVEMENT (Otro evangelio): catolico Romanos, impostores testigos de Jehova, mormones, adventistas, mesianicos, "efraimitas", gnosticos, "Los perfectos", titonianos, mirandianos, iglesia universal y similares cultos herejes, anatemas.

28-sep.-2015, 11:00
¡Qué miedo, por Dios!:sad:

Me pongo a recitar jaculatorias como un poseso.:scared:

28-sep.-2015, 11:05
Desde luego que la "GENERACION DE VIBORAS" continua 'Vivita y coleando' y continuara hasta el fin..

Por eso a Univisión le fue como le fue...:crying:

28-sep.-2015, 11:12
Pregunta: las enfermedades, tanto físicas como psicológicas, podrían ser confundidas con posesiones demoníacas??

Epilepsia y ataques psicogénicos por ejemplo.

PD. Un ataque psicogénico es aquél provocado por afecciones psicológicas y no por actividad eléctrica anormal del cerebro.

28-sep.-2015, 11:14
Pregunta: las enfermedades, tanto físicas como psicológicas, podrían ser confundidas con posesiones demoníacas??

Epilepsia y ataques psicogénicos por ejemplo.

PD. Un ataque psicogénico es aquél provocado por afecciones psicológicas y no por actividad eléctrica anormal del cerebro.

Preguntas cada cosa....¿Y cómo sabes que esas enfermedades son en realidad enfermedades y no posesiones demoníacas? :sneaky2:

28-sep.-2015, 11:31
Preguntas cada cosa....¿Y cómo sabes que esas enfermedades son en realidad enfermedades y no posesiones demoníacas? :sneaky2:

No lo sé, por eso pregunto.

28-sep.-2015, 11:34
No lo sé, por eso pregunto.

¡Ajajá! el recurso de la pregunta retórica o erotema. ¡¡Muy listo!!

28-sep.-2015, 11:57
Pregunta: las enfermedades, tanto físicas como psicológicas, podrían ser confundidas con posesiones demoníacas??

Epilepsia y ataques psicogénicos por ejemplo.

PD. Un ataque psicogénico es aquél provocado por afecciones psicológicas y no por actividad eléctrica anormal del cerebro.

Muchas confusiones pueden darse en este campo, lo que yo afirmo en mi artículo o mensaje es que las posesión demoníaca existe. También hay fraudes y casos de enfermedades mentales que parecerían indicar una posible posesión.

Pero si al manifestarse el demonio y éste habla y manifiesta poseer conocimiento de carácter sobrenatural, pues ahí tenemos una evidencia de posesión demoníaca real, ya que la psicología no tendría como explicar el conocimiento de carácter sobrenatural por parte del endemoniado:


Mensaje #1

28-sep.-2015, 12:10
¡Ajajá! el recurso de la pregunta retórica o erotema. ¡¡Muy listo!!

No no, podré ser de todo menos retórico.

Muchas confusiones pueden darse en este campo, lo que yo afirmo en mi artículo o mensaje es que las posesión demoníaca existe. También hay fraudes y casos de enfermedades mentales que parecerían indicar una posible posesión.

Pero si al manifestarse el demonio y éste habla y manifiesta poseer conocimiento de carácter sobrenatural, pues ahí tenemos una evidencia de posesión demoníaca real, ya que la psicología no tendría como explicar el conocimiento de carácter sobrenatural por parte del endemoniado:


Mensaje #1

Gracias. Muy concisa tu respuesta.

28-sep.-2015, 12:12
CULTIC INVOLVEMENT (Otro evangelio): catolico Romanos, impostores testigos de Jehova, mormones, adventistas, mesianicos, "efraimitas", gnosticos, "Los perfectos", titonianos, mirandianos, iglesia universal y similares cultos herejes, anatemas.

en otras palabras:
todos excepto yo...

02-oct.-2015, 22:05
Mmmm... Vaya.

03-oct.-2015, 04:36
Tema exportado tal cual (no editado) de los desaparecidos foros de Univision.

EVEDENCIA y no solo la que se da por aqui, sino hasta Biblica sobre la POSESION DEMONIACA en NO Cristianos (NO NACIDOS DE LO ALTO, El Espiritu Santo de DIOS, de Cristo NO mora en estos, espacio VACIO supuesto a invasion de entidad DEMONIACA, si se habren puertas como participar en CULTOS, SECTAS), o INFLUENCIA SATANICA (NO POSESION porque el Espiritu Santo ya ocupa ese lugar) en Cristianos en nuestros dias.

Tema transferido tal cual del Foro de Univision:

Desde luego que la "GENERACION DE VIBORAS" continua 'Vivita y coleando' y continuara hasta el fin. Por algo la Biblia lo describe como GENERACION (CONTINUACION) Nadamas que desafortunadamente muchos hermanos Cristianos no creen que esto suceda en la actualidad.

Como se dice por ahi: 'Aunque usted no lo crea'. Y que muchos hermanos Cristianos no creen que suceda en la actualidad, aun cuando este asentado en Las Sagradas Escrituras. No creen en La Palabra? (La Biblia debe estar, aqui si "equivocada", mi escuela, mi lider, mi papa, mi abuelita "no pueden estar equivocados". 'Brain Washed' por quien? Influencia Satanica? (No posesion) Si, en hermanos Cristianos; abajito tratada) OOOPS.

Tema que trajera originalmente, al que descubrieramos mas tarde como un sectario mesianico cesaralcides , tema que 'desaparecio del mapa', pero aqui lo volvemos a traer por su descomunal importancia en relacion a los sectarios endemoniados disfrazados de Cristianos (ATEOS en general, sectarios incluidos) que invaden nuestro foro Cristiano Evangelico.

Question: "What does the Bible say about demon possession / demonic possession?"

Answer: The Bible gives some examples of people possessed or influenced by demons. From these examples we can find some symptoms of demonic influence and gain insight as to how a demon possesses someone. Here are some of the biblical passages: Matthew 9:32-33; 12:22; 17:18; Mark 5:1-20; 7:26-30; Luke 4:33-36; Luke 22:3; Acts 16:16-18. In some of these passages, the demon possession causes physical ailments such as inability to speak, epileptic symptoms, blindness, etc. In other cases, it causes the individual to do evil, Judas being the main example. In Acts 16:16-18, the spirit apparently gives a slave girl some ability to know things beyond her own learning. The demon-possessed man of the Gadarenes, who was possessed by a multitude of demons (Legion), had superhuman strength and lived naked among the tombstones. King Saul, after rebelling against the LORD, was troubled by an evil spirit (1 Samuel 16:14-15; 18:10-11; 19:9-10) with the apparent effect of a depressed mood and an increased desire to kill David.

Thus, there is a wide variety of possible symptoms of demon possession, such as a physical impairment that cannot be attributed to an actual physiological problem, a personality change such as depression or aggression, supernatural strength, immodesty, antisocial behavior, and perhaps the ability to share information that one has no natural way of knowing. It is important to note that nearly all, if not all, of these characteristics may have other explanations, so it is important not to label every depressed person or epileptic individual as demon-possessed. On the other hand, Western cultures probably do not take satanic involvement in people’s lives seriously enough.

In addition to these physical or emotional distinctions, one can also look at spiritual attributes showing demonic influence. These may include a refusal to forgive (2 Corinthians 2:10-11) and the belief in and spread of false doctrine, especially concerning Jesus Christ and His atoning work (2 Corinthians 11:3-4, 13-15; 1 Timothy 4:1-5; 1 John 4:1-3).

Concerning the involvement of demons in the lives of Christians, the apostle Peter is an illustration of the fact that a believer can be influenced by the devil (Matthew 16:23). Some refer to Christians who are under a strong demonic influence as being “demonized,” but never is there an example in Scripture of a believer in Christ being possessed by a demon. Most theologians believe that a Christian cannot be possessed because he has the Holy Spirit abiding within (2 Corinthians 1:22; 5:5; 1 Corinthians 6:19), and the Spirit of God would not share residence with a demon.

We are not told exactly how one opens himself up for possession. If Judas’ case is representative, he opened his heart to evil—in his case by his greed (John 12:6). So it may be possible that if one allows his heart to be ruled by some habitual sin, it becomes an invitation for a demon to enter. From missionaries’ experiences, demon possession also seems to be related to the worship of heathen idols and the possession of occult materials. Scripture repeatedly relates idol worship to the actual worship of demons (Leviticus 17:7; Deuteronomy 32:17; Psalm 106:37; 1 Corinthians 10:20), so it should not be surprising that involvement with idolatry could lead to demon possession.

Based on the above scriptural passages and some of the experiences of missionaries, we can conclude that many people open their lives up to demon involvement through the embracing of some sin or through cultic involvement (either knowingly or unknowingly). Examples may include immorality, drug/alcohol abuse that alters one’s state of consciousness, rebellion, bitterness, and transcendental meditation.

There is an additional consideration. Satan and his evil host can do nothing the Lord does not allow them to do (Job 1-2). This being the case, Satan, thinking he is accomplishing his own purposes, is actually accomplishing God’s good purposes, as in the case of Judas’ betrayal. Some people develop an unhealthy fascination with the occult and demonic activity. This is unwise and unbiblical. If we pursue God, if we are clothing ourselves with His armor and relying upon His strength (Ephesians 6:10-18), we have nothing to fear from the evil ones, for God rules over all!

Recommended Resource: Unseen Realities: Heaven, Hell, Angels, and Demons by R.C. Sproul.

While he is not the author of every article on GotQuestions.org, for citation purposes, you may reference our CEO, S. Michael Houdmann.

Read more: http://www.gotquestionsURL no permitidodemon-possession.html#ixzz2gXbHPV00

CULTIC INVOLVEMENT (Otro evangelio): catolico Romanos, impostores testigos de Jehova, mormones, adventistas, mesianicos, "efraimitas", gnosticos, "Los perfectos", titonianos, mirandianos, iglesia universal y similares cultos herejes, anatemas.

Deberias saber que posesión satánica es una cosa e influencia demoniaca
es otra muy diferente.

09-oct.-2015, 16:23
EVEDENCIA y no solo la que se da por aqui, sino hasta Biblica sobre la POSESION DEMONIACA en NO Cristianos (NO NACIDOS DE LO ALTO, El Espiritu Santo de DIOS, de Cristo NO mora en estos, espacio VACIO supuesto a invasion de entidad DEMONIACA, si se habren puertas como participar en CULTOS, SECTAS), o INFLUENCIA SATANICA (NO POSESION porque el Espiritu Santo ya ocupa ese lugar) en Cristianos en nuestros dias.

LDX, elohim00 (no entendio la diferencia, nada conveniente) desenmascarados.

"If we pursue God, if we are clothing ourselves with His armor and relying upon His strength (Ephesians 6:10-18), we have nothing to fear from the evil ones, for God rules over all!"

CULTIC INVOLVEMENT (Otro evangelio) CULTOS, SECTAS como: catolico Romanos, impostores testigos de Jehova, mormones, adventistas, mesianicos, "efraimitas", gnosticos, "Los perfectos", titonianos, mirandianos, iglesia universal y similares cultos herejes, anatemas.


Iniciado por salvadorgarcia Ver Mensaje
Tema exportado tal cual (no editado) de los desaparecidos foros de Univision.

EVEDENCIA y no solo la que se da por aqui, sino hasta Biblica sobre la POSESION DEMONIACA en NO Cristianos (NO NACIDOS DE LO ALTO, El Espiritu Santo de DIOS, de Cristo NO mora en estos, espacio VACIO supuesto a invasion de entidad DEMONIACA, si se habren puertas como participar en CULTOS, SECTAS), o INFLUENCIA SATANICA (NO POSESION porque el Espiritu Santo ya ocupa ese lugar) en Cristianos en nuestros dias.

Tema transferido tal cual del Foro de Univision:

Desde luego que la "GENERACION DE VIBORAS" continua 'Vivita y coleando' y continuara hasta el fin. Por algo la Biblia lo describe como GENERACION (CONTINUACION) Nadamas que desafortunadamente muchos hermanos Cristianos no creen que esto suceda en la actualidad.

Como se dice por ahi: 'Aunque usted no lo crea'. Y que muchos hermanos Cristianos no creen que suceda en la actualidad, aun cuando este asentado en Las Sagradas Escrituras. No creen en La Palabra? (La Biblia debe estar, aqui si "equivocada", mi escuela, mi lider, mi papa, mi abuelita "no pueden estar equivocados". 'Brain Washed' por quien? Influencia Satanica? (No posesion) Si, en hermanos Cristianos; abajito tratada) OOOPS.

Tema que trajera originalmente, al que descubrieramos mas tarde como un sectario mesianico cesaralcides , tema que 'desaparecio del mapa', pero aqui lo volvemos a traer por su descomunal importancia en relacion a los sectarios endemoniados disfrazados de Cristianos (ATEOS en general, sectarios incluidos) que invaden nuestro foro Cristiano Evangelico.

Question: "What does the Bible say about demon possession / demonic possession?"

Answer: The Bible gives some examples of people possessed or influenced by demons. From these examples we can find some symptoms of demonic influence and gain insight as to how a demon possesses someone. Here are some of the biblical passages: Matthew 9:32-33; 12:22; 17:18; Mark 5:1-20; 7:26-30; Luke 4:33-36; Luke 22:3; Acts 16:16-18. In some of these passages, the demon possession causes physical ailments such as inability to speak, epileptic symptoms, blindness, etc. In other cases, it causes the individual to do evil, Judas being the main example. In Acts 16:16-18, the spirit apparently gives a slave girl some ability to know things beyond her own learning. The demon-possessed man of the Gadarenes, who was possessed by a multitude of demons (Legion), had superhuman strength and lived naked among the tombstones. King Saul, after rebelling against the LORD, was troubled by an evil spirit (1 Samuel 16:14-15; 18:10-11; 19:9-10) with the apparent effect of a depressed mood and an increased desire to kill David.

Thus, there is a wide variety of possible symptoms of demon possession, such as a physical impairment that cannot be attributed to an actual physiological problem, a personality change such as depression or aggression, supernatural strength, immodesty, antisocial behavior, and perhaps the ability to share information that one has no natural way of knowing. It is important to note that nearly all, if not all, of these characteristics may have other explanations, so it is important not to label every depressed person or epileptic individual as demon-possessed. On the other hand, Western cultures probably do not take satanic involvement in people’s lives seriously enough.

In addition to these physical or emotional distinctions, one can also look at spiritual attributes showing demonic influence. These may include a refusal to forgive (2 Corinthians 2:10-11) and the belief in and spread of false doctrine, especially concerning Jesus Christ and His atoning work (2 Corinthians 11:3-4, 13-15; 1 Timothy 4:1-5; 1 John 4:1-3).

Concerning the involvement of demons in the lives of Christians, the apostle Peter is an illustration of the fact that a believer can be influenced by the devil (Matthew 16:23). Some refer to Christians who are under a strong demonic influence as being “demonized,” but never is there an example in Scripture of a believer in Christ being possessed by a demon. Most theologians believe that a Christian cannot be possessed because he has the Holy Spirit abiding within (2 Corinthians 1:22; 5:5; 1 Corinthians 6:19), and the Spirit of God would not share residence with a demon.

We are not told exactly how one opens himself up for possession. If Judas’ case is representative, he opened his heart to evil—in his case by his greed (John 12:6). So it may be possible that if one allows his heart to be ruled by some habitual sin, it becomes an invitation for a demon to enter. From missionaries’ experiences, demon possession also seems to be related to the worship of heathen idols and the possession of occult materials. Scripture repeatedly relates idol worship to the actual worship of demons (Leviticus 17:7; Deuteronomy 32:17; Psalm 106:37; 1 Corinthians 10:20), so it should not be surprising that involvement with idolatry could lead to demon possession.

Based on the above scriptural passages and some of the experiences of missionaries, we can conclude that many people open their lives up to demon involvement through the embracing of some sin or through cultic involvement (either knowingly or unknowingly). Examples may include immorality, drug/alcohol abuse that alters one’s state of consciousness, rebellion, bitterness, and transcendental meditation.

There is an additional consideration. Satan and his evil host can do nothing the Lord does not allow them to do (Job 1-2). This being the case, Satan, thinking he is accomplishing his own purposes, is actually accomplishing God’s good purposes, as in the case of Judas’ betrayal. Some people develop an unhealthy fascination with the occult and demonic activity. This is unwise and unbiblical. If we pursue God, if we are clothing ourselves with His armor and relying upon His strength (Ephesians 6:10-18), we have nothing to fear from the evil ones, for God rules over all!

Recommended Resource: Unseen Realities: Heaven, Hell, Angels, and Demons by R.C. Sproul.

While he is not the author of every article on GotQuestions.org, for citation purposes, you may reference our CEO, S. Michael Houdmann.

Read more: http://www.gotquestionsURL no permitidodemon-possession.html#ixzz2gXbHPV00

CULTIC INVOLVEMENT (Otro evangelio): catolico Romanos, impostores testigos de Jehova, mormones, adventistas, mesianicos, "efraimitas", gnosticos, "Los perfectos", titonianos, mirandianos, iglesia universal y similares cultos herejes, anatemas.

09-oct.-2015, 16:40
EVEDENCIA y no solo la que se da por aqui, sino hasta Biblica sobre la POSESION DEMONIACA en NO Cristianos (NO NACIDOS DE LO ALTO, El Espiritu Santo de DIOS, de Cristo NO mora en estos, espacio VACIO supuesto a invasion de entidad DEMONIACA, si se habren puertas como participar en CULTOS, SECTAS), o INFLUENCIA SATANICA (NO POSESION porque el Espiritu Santo ya ocupa ese lugar) en Cristianos en nuestros dias.

LDX, elohim00 (no entendio la diferencia, nada conveniente) desenmascarados.


Entiendo, entonces si no estoy de acuerdo con tus copy/paste, entonces estoy endemoniado...
Ah caray, y yo que siempre quise ser parte de un evento paranormal.. Y resulta que todo este tiempo estaba poseído...

Pero tu que eres un cristiano verdadero, entonces tendrás poder para exorcisarme?
O serás como los hijos de esceva y mis demonios te dirán: "no te conozco"?

30-nov.-2023, 23:57