Cita Iniciado por Eva_BG Ver Mensaje
Y este es uno de mis más favoritos:

Two polar bears are sitting next to each other. At some point one of them says:
-Bill, can I ask you something?
-Sure, what is it?
-Well... are we polar bears?
-Of course we are.
5 minutes later:
-Bill, can I ask you something?
-Are you sure we are polar bears?
-Yeah, man, of course I'm sure, what's wrong with you?!
5 minutes later:
-Bill, I can't take it any more! Are you SURE SURE we are polar bears?!
-Yes, damn it, we are polar bears!!!
-Then why the f*ck am I so cold?!?!?!

Es muy gracioso cuando lo cuento en vivo, no sé cómo se ve por escrito :d